
Important Dates

Apr. 15, 2024   Abstract submission deadline

Apr. 17, 2024   Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract

Jun. 30, 2024   Manuscripts submission deadline

Jul. 15, 2024   Notification of acceptance of the manuscripts

Sep. 1-4 2024   ISHPC2024 Conference

Conference Objectives

The ISHPC2024 serves as a forum to present and discuss information on the latest progress in research and development of sorption heat pump technology. All the submissions would be compiled into a conference proceeding, and some could be selected to be published in a special issue on International Journal of Refrigeration. The following topics are specially concerned in ISHPC2024.

Download templates

Authors are kindly requested to submit an abstract of approximately 300 words in English via this Abstract Submission system. The following information is required:

1) Paper Title; 2) Author Name; 3) Institution Affiliations; 4) Keywords; 5) Authors List

A short manuscript less than 6 pages is needed when authors submit manuscripts.

Download Template Link:

Recommended Oral Templates (Size: 16:9):

Recommended Poster Templates (Size: 900*1200 mm):